GOLDBERG VARIATIONS – Bach – András Adorján and the MAV Symphony Orchestra F/1
The concert will feature two works by Johanne Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), one transcribed, the other in its original form.
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Last event date: Thursday, February 16 2023 6:00PM
Since Bach himself later transcribed some of his violin concertos into piano concertos, András Adorján's transcription of a piece originally composed for harpsichord for flute and string orchestra is not a forgery of the original work. The Goldberg Variations is among Bach's most famous works; a masterpiece of a composer's imagination and ingenuity. There are several sections of this enormous piece which are so polyphonic that they can be transcribed for several instruments. Bach composed four orchestral suites, the second of which is for flute and string orchestra. The suite genre was very popular in the Baroque period. Bach effectively uses the high, ringing tone of the instrument and its potential for fast, virtuoso playing.
András Adorján was born in Budapest, Hungary, and grew up in Copenhagen, Denmark. He graduated as a dentist and played the flute. He had world-famous teachers and was the solo guest musician of several renown European orchestras. He started teaching at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln and later became a professor at the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich. A few years ago, he was a guest musician at the Festetics concerts, giving such a great performance that we invited him to play with our orchestra again.
(transcription by András Adorján András)
Bach: Orchestral Suite No. 2 in B minor, BWV 1067
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A IX. szimfóniát nem túlzás az európai zene legjelentősebb remekművének jellemezni, amely végigkísérte nagy veszteségeinket és győzelmeinket: a wagneri összművészet egyik ihletforrása, a szabadság himnusza, sokak számára a berlini fal leomlásának kísérőzenéje. Egyesek egy öntörvényű zseni megnyilatkozását, mások a közös szellem erejét hallják benne. Az első hangok a „semmiből teremtés” mágikus aktusát, az utolsó ütemek a mindenség önfeledt ünnepélyét jelenítik meg.
Since the beginning of time, birdsong has been a source of inspiration for all musicians. In our youth concert, we first hear the cello duet of József Sándor Nagy and Illés Sütő in Vivaldi's deep, moving and beautiful Concerto for two cellos in G minor. The two young players are students of Krisztina Dávid, the cellist of our orchestra. Afterwards, the audience will hear a special suite by the neoclassical Italian composer Ottorino Respighi, written in 1928 following the tradition of the works of 18th century composers. The brilliant work, which features the sounds of swans, hens, nightingales and cuckoos, is performed by Szabolcs Medveczky and proves to be intriguing not only for ornithologists but for every music enthusiasts.
Dmitrij Sosztakovics (1906-1975) a huszadik századi orosz zene egyik legjelentősebb alkotója, akinek élete és művei is tele vannak ellentmondásokkal. Hangversenyünk minden műsorszáma különleges jelentőségű, mert magyarországi bemutató. Szólistaként a világhírű Gustav Riviniust csellóművészt köszönthetjük, aki Saarbrückeni Zeneakadémia és a Maastrichti Konzervatórium professzora.
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