MASTERPIECES - DIFFERENTLY - Dohnányi / Popper / Liszt - Park Sang Hyeok, István Dénes E/5.
A conducting composer or a composing conductor? Seems to be a fair question about István Dénes, who is a renown opera-conductor in Hungary and abroad as well, while he is also a productive composer, with vivid fantasy and remarkable humor. As a token of his respect for our orchestra, he composed a paraphrase of the MÁV's signal for the railway… more
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Last event date: Saturday, March 02 2024 7:00PM
Dohnányi: Konzertstück for Cello and Orchestra
Popper: Hungarian Rhapsody, Op. 68
Franz Liszt – István Dénes: Dante (transcription a Dante-szonáta átirata zenekarra)
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A MÁV Szimfonikus Zenekar karácsonyi hangversenye
Dmitrij Sosztakovics (1906-1975) a huszadik századi orosz zene egyik legjelentősebb alkotója, akinek élete és művei is tele vannak ellentmondásokkal. Hangversenyünk minden műsorszáma különleges jelentőségű, mert magyarországi bemutató. Szólistaként a világhírű Gustav Riviniust csellóművészt köszönthetjük, aki Saarbrückeni Zeneakadémia és a Maastrichti Konzervatórium professzora.
The figure of Coriolanus, the tragically doomed Roman general, must have impressed Beethoven, who saw himself as a similarly lonely…
Apollo and Dionysus, idyll and rampant celebration: such pairs of opposites could be used to describe Beethoven's two symphonies, the…
THE VIRTUOSO OF THE ORCHESTRA - Ravel / Muszorgszkij - Ravel / Dezső Ránki / Maxim Rysanov - L/5
MÁV Szimfonikusok ZenekarThe names of Mussorgsky and Ravel became intertwined through the orchestral version of Pictures at an Exhibition. Although thousands of…
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