
MÁV Lukács/3. Zeneakadémia 21-22

MÁV Lukács/3. Zeneakadémia 21-22

Amerikából érkező, nemzetközi hírű, kiváló karmester lesz a hangverseny vendége.

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Last event date: Friday, November 19 2021 7:00PM

MÁV Szimfonikus Zenekar

John Corigliano: Elégia
Dohnányi: fisz-moll szvit, op. 19
Beethoven: 3. (Esz-dúr) szimfónia, op. 55 („Eroica”)

Vezényel: Leonard Slatkin

Leonard Slatkin nagyszülei Ukrajnából vándoroltak ki, szülei is muzsikusok voltak. Tanulmányait a New York-i Julliard Schoolon fejezte be, a kor híres karmestere, Walter Susskind volt a tanára. Amerika és Európa több nagy zenekarának volt zeneigazgatója, több mint 100 lemezt adott ki. Műsorán egy-egy amerikai és magyar mű szerepel, valamint az egyetemes zene egyik kimagasló remekműve. John Corigliano (1938–) Elégia című egytételes darabját 1966-ban mutatták be San Franciscóban, ajánlása Samuel Barbernek szól. Lassú tempójú, szomorú, drámai zene ez. Egészen más karakterű Dohnányi Ernő 1910-ben bemutatott műve. Színes, ötletekben gazdag, szórakoztató, de igényes zenei eszközöket felvonultató kompozíció. A koncertet Beethoven 3., Eroica szimfóniája zárja.

Rendező: MÁV Szimfonikus Zenekar

Our offer

Deniz Uzun is a singer of Turkish origin, who was raised in Germany and won a special prize at the Éva Marton International Singing Competition in Budapest in 2021. She studied in Mannheim and Heidelberg, then in Bloomington, USA, and is now a frequent guest singer in the world's major opera houses and concert halls, with an impressive repertoire. In this concert, Uzun will sing a song cycle composed by the young for the extraordinary poems of a contemporary poet, Tristan Klingsor. The concert will be conducted by the orchestra's chief conductor, Róbert Farkas, who has put together a program from pieces with French relevance. Haydn composed his six "Paris Symphonies" in 1784, receiving a "commission" from Paris. The second movement of Symphony No. 85 in B flat major is a variation of a well-known French folk song. Ravel composed his songs to French, and the two popular orchestral pieces in the second half of the program are perhaps the best-known and most popular works of French music.

The first evening of Gábor Takács-Nagy's Beethoven series begins with the King Stephen overture, with which the new Pest Theatre was inaugurated in 1812. Contemporary records attest to Beethoven's love and respect for the Hungarians, which he expressed by building the music of the overture from Hungarian recruitment melodies. With respect to Symphony No 1, critics point out that the influence of Haydn, the great predecessor and teacher, is still strongly apparent, along with a nostalgic reminiscence of his homeland, the Rhineland. Numerous music historians point out that Beethoven wrote a lighter, more cheerful symphony after his great, dramatic symphonies: following the great Eroica Symphony, Beethoven composed his charming Symphony No. 4 in 1806, which also carries humorous overtones.


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