Kobayashi és a MÁV Zenekar 2020.
Mozart: Requiem
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Last event date: Friday, May 08 2020 7:00PM
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The figure of Coriolanus, the tragically doomed Roman general, must have impressed Beethoven, who saw himself as a similarly lonely hero. Although the Austrian play that inspired the composer has not stood the test of time (at best we hear of Shakespeare's drama of the same title), Beethoven's Overture to Coriolanus is eternal. As is Symphony No. 8, a masterpiece of serenity reflecting Haydn, premiered in 1814, and a secret favourite of the composer because of its light, playful tone. 'My little F major', he referred to it in one of his notes. Gábor Takács-Nagy is one of the most innovative Beethoven conductors of our time; he can show something new with even a well-known piece like Symphony No. 5, which is now forever stamped with the adjective "fate", arbitrarily chosen by the composer's secretary.
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