THE FLUTE IN THE SPOTLIGHT - Bach / Doppler Ferenc / Mozart - Béla Drahos F/2.
In two of J.S. Bach's six Brandenburg Concertos, the flute plays a leading role, accompanied by a second solo instrument and by several other solo instruments. Ferenc Doppler was working closely with Ferenc Erkel, and enriched the Hungarian music of the Romantic period with several great solo pieces for flute. more
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Last event date: Friday, March 08 2024 6:00PM
J.S. Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 5, BWV. 1050
Ferenc Doppler: Hungarian Fantasy
MozartConcerto for Flute and Harp, K. 299, Guest Musician: Melinda Felletár - harp
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A MÁV Szimfonikus Zenekar Cselló-, és Brácsaegyütteseinek Újévi koncertje
Dmitrij Sosztakovics (1906-1975) a huszadik századi orosz zene egyik legjelentősebb alkotója, akinek élete és művei is tele vannak ellentmondásokkal. Hangversenyünk minden műsorszáma különleges jelentőségű, mert magyarországi bemutató. Szólistaként a világhírű Gustav Riviniust csellóművészt köszönthetjük, aki Saarbrückeni Zeneakadémia és a Maastrichti Konzervatórium professzora.
The musicians of our orchestra prepare their favorite pieces for the interactive program recommended for 0-3 year-old children. Edit Székely, the mastermind behind the series, is a flute-player and music teacher, who will make the event even more exciting with children’s songs and plays.
HUNGARIAN MASTERPIECES - Liszt / Kevin Chen / Honvéd Male Choir / Gábor Hontvári - L/3
MÁV Szimfonikusok ZenekarFrom virtuoso pianist, Franz Liszt became an accomplished composer, and his much-loved symphonic poem Les Préludes is a testament to…
IN MEMORY OF PÉTER EÖTVÖS - Barber / Sztravinszkij / Eötvös / Mozart - E/4
MÁV Szimfonikusok ZenekarIt is no exaggeration to say that Péter Eötvös, who passed away recently, was an outstanding composer of recent decades,…
The 18th century was not only an age of extravagant splendour, but also of discovery and radical transformation. The unique…
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