
MEMORIES – Ribnyikov / Bruckner -. Endre Stankowsky, Gergely Kesselyák and the MAV Symphony Orchestra E/3

MEMORIES – Ribnyikov / Bruckner -. Endre Stankowsky, Gergely Kesselyák and the MAV Symphony Orchestra E/3

Gergely Kesselyák is widely known for surprising the audience with works of "unknown" composers, for example the Russian composer Alexey Rybnikov, who was born in 1945.

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Last event date: Friday, January 20 2023 7:00PM

He has composed many soundtracks and a rock opera that had been unknown in his country. He likes philosophical and dramatic themes. The music of his Cello Concerto is tonal (not dissonant), with some very dramatic passages, yet with and ending that represents peaceful passing. The last symphony of Anton Bruckner is a well-known piece, the ending of a great oeuvre. A deeply religious man, Bruckner dedicated this symphony to 'The Good God', and the music is appropriately solemn.

Endre Stankowski is a young cellist and the youngest principal cellist in the Hungarian State Opera Orchestra. Gergely Kesselyák is the first conductor of the Hungarian State Opera, working predominantly as an opera conductor. He has a great flair for performing dramas expressed in music, his conducting is always full of energy and he discovers and reveals features in well-known works that surprise the audience.



Rybnikov: Cello Concerto
Bruckner: IX. szimfónia


Endre Stankowsky - cello


Gergely Kesselyák


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The names of Mussorgsky and Ravel became intertwined through the orchestral version of Pictures at an Exhibition. Although thousands of kilometres and decades separated them, due to their elegance and expressiveness, it is no far-fetched to consider them distant relatives. Between the enchanting soundscapes of Mother Goose and Musorgsky's stirring, moving tableaux, Ravel's "two-handed" Piano Concerto in G major, born exactly 150 years ago to the day, is performed by one of the composer's most unique and esteemed interpreters, the two-time Kossuth and Franz Liszt Prize winner Dezső Ránki. Our orchestra is conducted by Maxim Rysanov, a violist of the highest reputation, who steps on the conductor's baton ever more often.


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