
Beethoven / Chopin / Mozart - Ingrid Fuzjko Hemming és a MÁV Szimfonikus Zenekar

Beethoven / Chopin / Mozart - Ingrid Fuzjko Hemming és a MÁV Szimfonikus Zenekar

Egészen különleges személyiség lesz a zenekar vendége. Ingrid Fuzjko-Hemming idén ünnepli 90. születésnapját. A MÁV Szimfonikusokkal több alkalommal játszott Japánban, valamint Budapesten, a Zeneakadémián és a Müpa Bartók Béla Nemzeti Hangversenytermében.

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Last event date: Tuesday, October 18 2022 7:00PM

A very special character will be the guest of the orchestra. Ingrid Fuzjko Hemming celebrates her 90th birthday this year. She was born in Berlin to a Russian-Swedish architect father and a Japanese pianist mother. At the age of five, she moved to Japan with her parents, where she began to play the piano and began to show her talent at an early age. Her brilliant career was interrupted by a serious illness, due to which she has lost her hearing. After her recovery, she resumed her career, and with incredible willpower, she fought her way back to the top. Her story is known all around the world, and has been adapted in a documentary film and a theatrical performance. In 2002, she donated a full year's royalties from her record sales to help the victims of 9/11. The following year, she donated her concert fees to support Afghan refugees. She has performed with the MÁV Symphony Orchestra in Japan and in Budapest, at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music and the Béla Bartók National Concert Hall of Müpa Budapest. Her concert programs are always very individual, like a giant concerto. After Beethoven's Symphony No. 8, she will perform the slow movements of two famous piano concertos, and concludes her concert with the joyous Piano Concerto in C major by Mozart.

Our offer

Dmitrij Sosztakovics (1906-1975) a huszadik századi orosz zene egyik legjelentősebb alkotója, akinek élete és művei is tele vannak ellentmondásokkal. Hangversenyünk minden műsorszáma különleges jelentőségű, mert magyarországi bemutató. Szólistaként a világhírű Gustav Riviniust csellóművészt köszönthetjük, aki Saarbrückeni Zeneakadémia és a Maastrichti Konzervatórium professzora.

A MÁV Szimfonikus Zenekar Cselló-, és Brácsaegyütteseinek Újévi koncertje

The 18th century was not only an age of extravagant splendour, but also of discovery and radical transformation. The unique suite composed by the prolific German composer Georg Philipp Telemann is a testimony of this complex era, written to showcase the music of different nations to the audiences. However, the concerto genre itself reflects a new ideal of the man who stands out from his surroundings, always striving for more, which is demonstrated in Alessandro Marcello's Oboe Concerto arranged for trumpet, performed by Tamás Sipos, This concert also features arias by the elder Scarlatti, performed by soprano Réka Kristóf, who has devoted a significant part of her career to early music. Finally, conductor Róbert Farkas concludes his musical tour with an orchestral suite by the great Bach.


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