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Last event date: Friday, June 07 2024 7:00PM

Karl Amadeus Hartmann: Concerto funebre
Franz Schreker: Intermezzo
Alexander Tansman: Triptych
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: String Symphony No. 9 in C Major

Orsolya Korcsolán – violin
Conductor: Amaury du Closel

The reign of terror by Hitler left a painful mark on the music of Europe, causing the banning of numerous artists. In his Concerto funebre composed in 1938, Hartmann portrayed not only mourning and gloom but also glimpses of hope in the form of two chorales. Austrian composer Franz Schreker, once mentioned alongside Richard Strauss, saw his work banned in his time. Alexander Tansman fled from Warsaw to Paris and then to Los Angeles with the help of Charlie Chaplin to escape the war. During these troubled years, the works of Felix Mendelssohn were also banned in Germany. The soloist for the evening is Orsolya Korcsolán, a rediscoverer of Jewish composers of the era, who has produced an album of Sándor Kuti's works for Deutsche Grammophon. Leading the orchestra is French conductor Amaury du Closel, whose organization, Forum Voix Etouffees, aims to promote composers persecuted by Nazism.

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The first evening of Gábor Takács-Nagy's Beethoven series begins with the King Stephen overture, with which the new Pest Theatre was inaugurated in 1812. Contemporary records attest to Beethoven's love and respect for the Hungarians, which he expressed by building the music of the overture from Hungarian recruitment melodies. With respect to Symphony No 1, critics point out that the influence of Haydn, the great predecessor and teacher, is still strongly apparent, along with a nostalgic reminiscence of his homeland, the Rhineland. Numerous music historians point out that Beethoven wrote a lighter, more cheerful symphony after his great, dramatic symphonies: following the great Eroica Symphony, Beethoven composed his charming Symphony No. 4 in 1806, which also carries humorous overtones.


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