MÁV Solti-terem ZA
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Last event date: Sunday, November 05 2017 6:00PM
Our offer
It is no exaggeration to say that Péter Eötvös, who passed away recently, was an outstanding composer of recent decades, whose broad vision and directness set an example for many musicians. In this concert, we will be the first to present one of his last works to Hungarian audiences: the Harp Concerto. It was premiered in Paris in January 2024, and since then, it has been performed in numerous concerts from Geneva to Tokyo. The Hungarian premiere will feature Xavier de Maistre, to whom Eötvös dedicated his composition. We also remember the composer with Barber's poignant Adagio and Stravinsky's Funeral Song. Finally, the audience will hear Mozart's last symphony, Jupiter, entitled so for its grandiose and majestic opening harmonies.
A IX. szimfóniát nem túlzás az európai zene legjelentősebb remekművének jellemezni, amely végigkísérte nagy veszteségeinket és győzelmeinket: a wagneri összművészet egyik ihletforrása, a szabadság himnusza, sokak számára a berlini fal leomlásának kísérőzenéje. Egyesek egy öntörvényű zseni megnyilatkozását, mások a közös szellem erejét hallják benne. Az első hangok a „semmiből teremtés” mágikus aktusát, az utolsó ütemek a mindenség önfeledt ünnepélyét jelenítik meg.
HUNGARIAN MASTERPIECES - Liszt / Kevin Chen / Honvéd Male Choir / Gábor Hontvári - L/3
MÁV Szimfonikusok ZenekarFrom virtuoso pianist, Franz Liszt became an accomplished composer, and his much-loved symphonic poem Les Préludes is a testament to…
THE VIRTUOSO OF THE ORCHESTRA - Ravel / Muszorgszkij - Ravel / Dezső Ránki / Maxim Rysanov - L/5
MÁV Szimfonikusok ZenekarThe names of Mussorgsky and Ravel became intertwined through the orchestral version of Pictures at an Exhibition. Although thousands of…
The musicians of our orchestra prepare their favorite pieces for the interactive program recommended for 0-3 year-old children. Edit Székely,…
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